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Three dietary changes that will help you lose weight

So you want to lose weight!  I get it. Its the new year and your feeling that new year new you bug, and your in a state of mind that is very reflective which is a great place to be. 


Because that means that mentally you are open to really assess your health and the habits that contributed to its current state, and you realize that you want to do better and are open to change.

This is one of the foundations you need in order to get started on losing weight and establishing a healthy lifestyle. 

Becoming healthy involves very intentional behaviors that should be applied consistently throughout your weight loss journey in order to be successful.  

When applied simultaneously these behaviors transform your habits into a healthy lifestyle.

I say a healthy lifestyle because that’s exactly what it is. it’s ok to start off your journey as a way to lose weight, but in order for you to achieve that goal and sustain it, your journey has to become a lifestyle. 

If not what happens is when you hit stumbling blocks and setbacks and  become more vulnerable to giving up.

In my last post, I talked about how to overcome setbacks and shared some of the setbacks I have experienced while going through this journey and how to overcome it.

 For all of you who are on this journey to better health with me here are three things that can be implemented that actually work, but the key to their success is consistency.

So without further a due here are three foundational changes you can implement in your diet that will help you on your weight loss journey.

  Change your diet !!!

Yes ! In order for you to lose weight your diet has to change. Don’t worry you won’t have to do anything drastic. The first thing you should do is :

  1. Increasing your water intake. Our bodies are made up of about 60 % of water.

Water helps the body function at its highest potential. It also keeps our cells hydrated which helps our skin, organs, and muscles, have more elasticity. 

Because we lose water on a daily bases we have to make sure we are replenishing it, otherwise, our bodies become dehydrated and toxic and stop functioning properly. 

What does that mean for weight loss?

That means the more water you drink the better your body is able to clean the toxins that are in it. The same way you wash the outside of your body to help it stay clean and healthy and look radiant.

Think of drinking water like an internal shower that washes and keeps your body clean and rids it of all the build-up, bacteria, and junk that is not healthy on the inside.

  1. Add lemon juice to your water.

 lemon juice has so many health benefits. It has no calories and is packed full of vitamins. Besides being known to have antibacterial and antiviral properties lemon juice also balances your ph levels.

Basically it helps to reset and stabilize your body bringing it back to its natural state of equilibrium.

What does that mean for weight loss?

 lemon juice especially when you drink it warm helps to boosts your metabolism, which aids in better digestion and helps you burn more calories.

That subsequently translates into fat loss. when used consistently lemon juice also helps to get rid of toxins in your liver

3. Eat oatmeal.

Why oatmeal?

Because oatmeal is also low in calories, low in fat, high in fiber, and is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

What does that mean for weight loss?

Oatmeal helps you feel fuller longer, which cuts down on your need to overeat. oatmeal is also high in fiber, which means that it helps to clean out your digestive system .

That’s right! it helps you poop. why is pooping important, because it gets rid of the toxins in your gut allowing your body to absorb vitamins and nutrients more effectively?

Well, that’s it for now guys till next time. Don’t forget to be consistent with these changes so you can get the best results. 

I challenge you to try it every day consistently for 30 days and let me know if it helped, also let me know what you liked or didn’t like about it.  

What other dietary habits have you implemented on your weight loss journey that has helped you? 


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