What I have learned about starting a Blog

How to overcome setbacks

Hi guys! 

In my last post, I talked about upgrading your New Years’ resolution and how Stinkin Thinkin can sabotage your journey.

Well, let me tell you I had to put my money where my mouth was.  The whole reason I started my weight loss journey was because the last time I went to the doctors my lab work showed that I was borderline diabetic with high cholesterol levels and an early onset of high blood pressure.

What does that mean?  

I am glad you asked. That means that all my levels were high enough to technically be diagnosed with these conditions, but they were not high enough for me to need to be put on medication. 

So I resolved to change my health and lose weight because I have 7 kids  that need me to be around for a long time and “I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired”.

Well, I was kicking donkey butt. I changed my diet and started doing Zumba, (My go to work out), and I was actually seeing results and feeling really good about my self. 

Until don don don don…….

I went back to the Dr for my six months check-up. 

When they took my blood pressure I was psyched, my pressure had gone down and was within the normal range according to their standards. I thought this is great that means everything is back to normal.

I told Doc what I was doing and that although I was seeing results in my inches I wasn’t seeing results on the scale, but I was still pressing forward. 

Doc’s response was we will repeat the labs and see if there has been any change.  To which I replied with all the work I have been putting in if my results haven’t changed I will be very upset.

To which he replied as long as they are not going up you are fine.  I was confident that even if the results haven’t changed they hadn’t gotten worse, because of course, this is a work in progress.

I didn’t gain all this weight overnight and it wasn’t going to come off overnight either. It was going to take time, consistency, and hard work.

Well! Let me tell you!

I was so anxious to see my results that it was all I thought about.  When I saw the numbers I was devastated!

Instead of decreasing the levels for both markers for diabetes and high cholesterol had increased.  I couldn’t believe it! So I logged out of the portal and logged back in thinking this is definitely a mistake.

I checked the date and time to make sure I was looking at the right results and even cross-referenced it to the old results hoping it was some fluke.

But it wasn’t. How could this be? instead of getting better it was going downhill and fast. I couldn’t wrap my head around it? Needless to say, downhill I went into a state of depression. I was crushed.

My spirit was completely broken . and low and behold Stinkin Thinkin started creeping in. I thought to myself what was the point of working so hard if things are only getting worse instead of better! I am never going to get this weight off!

So I did what defeated people do. I gave in to the negative thoughts and feelings I was having and went out and got me a coke and a ding dong. That’s right. I did it and enjoyed every bit of it. with no guilt, or conviction and It was the best tasting coke and ding dongs I had had in a long time.

What I realized at that moment was that at the end of the day my health was still jacked up and it was still my responsibility to fix it. 

If I didn’t take care of it it was going to take care of me ( if you know what I mean ), so I could either continue on a downward spiral with my Stinkin Thinkin despite the progress I had already made or I could continue to be “sick and tired of being sick and tired” and keep moving forward.

What’s the bottom line?

You’re going to have stumbling blocks along the way, regardless of what your goals are or what you are trying to achieve. There are going to be days when you’re going to feel like throwing in the towel and giving up because it’s the easiest thing to do, or you don’t see results, or it’s just plain hard.

Sometimes you might not have the will power to get out of your depressive state or slump, and no matter how hard you try you just feel stuck

almost like a deer caught in headlights. You see the light you know you should move, but you just can’t connect with that innate sense of drive that sends the signals to your body and causes you to move.

so what do you do?

1: Acknowledge 

Acknowledge where you are. Until you acknowledge what you are feeling and identify it you will continue to remain stuck making excuses for why you can’t move forward.

Often times we get stuck in a cycle of frustration and defeat and feel like complaining about it somehow justifies our lack of action.

The bottom line!

It doesn’t. You can not deal with a problem you do not acknowledge. Once you have acknowledged the problem it puts you in a position of Accountability.

2: Accountability

Being Accountable puts the power back in your hands. Not only will it inspire you to come up with a solution, but it will also help you to create tangible and realistic ways to conquer your setback.

How do you do that?

3: Visualize

By visualizing your goal and writing it down.

It is not enough to just have the knowledge of what you want. By writing it down you give it life, value, and measurability and you take back control of the situation.

It can be something as simple as writing a note on a piece of paper to something as detailed as a vision board or a journal. 

Once that thought or feeling or goal becomes tangible it becomes transformational, and once you give it life it has no choice but to begin to manifest, resulting in a change in your mindset, behavior, and actions.

Even though I was feeling lazy and wanted to just lay in bed. I woke up that morning and praying for God to give me the strength and discipline to continue on my weight loss journey. I knew I had to do my part so I got my butt up put on my Zumba work out video and killed it.

It felt so good. I felt recharged and revived and ready to conquer the world. Good-by Stinkin Thinkin!  I was back in business and ready to keep kicking donkey butt.

What’s the moral of this testimony?

I am glad you asked . when you commit to change whatever it is you’re going to hit bumps along the way.

It’s almost guaranteed to happen, but don’t give up .Give yourself room for setbacks. Get back up as soon as possible brush yourself off and kick donkey butt!

Keep moving forward.

Know your purpose, and stay focused, success in anything takes Time, Determination, and Discipline.

You can do it. The race is not given to the swift, but to the one who sticks with it till the end( Ecclesiastes 9:11), continue running your race and remember to celebrate every victory whether big or small.

What areas you are struggling with? 

What steps are you taking to overcome them? 

Your testimony could be the catalyst that inspires someone else to press on.

Till next time. don’t forget to comment and subscribe 

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