What I have learned about starting a Blog

Effective ways to take the stress out of starting a blog

Hi guys!  Have you started your blog yet?

if not well, what are you waiting for?  Head over to Blue Host and get started. I talk about how to do that in my blog what I have learned about blogging.

If you have started your blog already congratulations that is a major accomplishment.

In my last post, I talked about what I have learned about blogging and listed the 5 steps to starting your blog. 

Let me tell you blogging is not for the faint at heart. As I mentioned in my last post, there is so much to learn about blogging that it can seem like a never-ending abyss of information.

Blogging is not a fly by night get rich quick scheme it is a business. whether you’re in it as a hobby, entertainment, to make money, or to educate it’s is a business and you have to put in the sweat equity. 

It’s no different from having a skill that you present to the public. even if it is a skill that’s just for entertainment you still put in the work to make it as professional and polished as possible so your audience will take you seriously.  Blogging is the same way you have to put in the work. 

Don’t get scared, it might look like a lot of work but honestly once you understand what is required you will realize that it’s not that hard.

In order for it to get to the easy part, you have to put foundations in place that take the stress out of blogging so that blogging becomes a fun place to entertain, educate, make money, or just let your creative juices flow. 

What are these foundations you ask? 

I am glad you ask! Let’s get started 

Here are the foundations that are necessary for you to create some stability while you learn to blog and eliminate the stress.

Step: 1 Stop stressing 

It is really easy to get overwhelmed when you realize that there are so many moving parts to blogging.  Blogging is not just about writing a post and putting it out there for the world to see.

There are so many other pieces that need to be positioned correctly in order for the masterpiece to be complete. Blogging is a continuous journey.

You will always be learning in order to optimize your blog. In fact, If you ask any seasoned blogger they will tell you that they still read to gain knowledge about ways to improve their blogs and that they are always learning new tactics to keep their blog relevant and engaging. 

So take a deep breath and whoosah.

Step: 2 Stay focused 

I can’t tell you how many times I have turned on my computer to write a blog post and got sidetracked by Pinterest or noticed something I needed to improve, fix, change with the site and I get caught up with the research of finding out how and before I know it an hour has gone by with no post and a rain check to do it the next day.

Has that happened to you? Well if it has don’t lose heart you’re not alone.

How do you stay focused?

Create a schedule for all the things that are blogging related. Get a free planner here and print it out. Treat your blog like the business it.

Pick a day and times that you will devote for blogging only and do just that. schedule different days and times for other things like promoting your social media marketing, learning and getting more resources, fine-tuning your page and the list goes on.

By creating a schedule you increase the potential of being productive and getting more done .  The benefit to that is that it opens the door for you to create more in a short period  of time.

Creating a schedules also gives you the flexibility to create more content ahead of time in case you are unable to create on the next scheduled date. Let me tell you being able to create consistent content is so important as a blogger.

Step :3 Join a blogging community.

I realized very quickly that in order for me to not pull my eyeballs out from reading and trying to learn about how to set up a blog and generate traffic I needed some help.

In my quest for information, as I was searching my favorite go-to social media source  Pinterest I stumbled onto Tiffany  Griffin’s page beautifulDawnDesigns.net

Tiffany  is an exceptional seasoned blogger who has built a tremendously successful brand.  What I love about Her is the fact that she genuinely has a heart for helping newbie bloggers build a strong foundation in the blogging industry.

Her step by step blogging for beginners tutorials are very easy to understand and simple to follow and the best part about it is that they are free. I would strongly recommend you check her out it will make your process so much easier.

Another phenomenal blogger that has mastered the blogging industry and is such an amazing teacher when it comes to the ins and outs of the blogging wold is Elna Cain of Twins Mommy. Again I stumbled onto Elna while searching my go to social media source Pinterest. She does an awesome job guiding newbie bloggers through the early stages of the blogging process and beyond. 

What does that have to do with joining a blog community?

I am glad you asked.

Tiffany and Elna has  amazing blogging community on Facebook  that focus on helping new bloggers get their footing in the blogging arena.

Blogging communities are support systems that are in place to answer questions you might have, give suggestions and most importantly celebrate your victories.

It makes the journey so much easier because it helps you promote your site, get the help you need , and network with other like-minded bloggers.

There are so many blogging groups out there so find one that fits and connect. There is no limit to how many you can connect with, but remember to pick the one that meet your unique needs .

Here are a few blogging communities that you should check out. Try them  and  let me know what you think. Be sure to email me any new ones you come across. 

        That’s it for now ! Stay tuned for more as we continue our journey together.

Remember success will not chase you down until you make preparation for it and that preparation in relationship to taking the stress out of blogging comes in the form of De-stressing, planning and networking.

If you have any comments or questions ,or need encouragement, feel free to contact me .

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